Wednesday 16 January 2013

It's gonna be a glorious day ...

Radiohead's 1997 OK Computer is still the best album to listen to on a depressing January day, preferably alone in a quiet downtown apartment in a northern industrial town.  It's gonna be a glorious day ...

Track 1: Airbag - morning, light flurries or light drizzles
Track 2: Paranoid Android - morning, cloudy
Track 3: Subterranean Homesick Alien - late morning, cloudy
Track 4: Exit Music (For A Film) - noon, light flurries or light drizzles
Track 5: Let Down - early afternoon, brief sunny breaks
Track 6: Karma Police - afternoon, cloudy
Track 7: Fitter Happier - late afternoon, cloudy
Track 8: Electioneering - early evening, cloudy
Track 9: Climbing Up The Walls - evening, light snow or showers
Track 10: No Surprises - late evening, cloudy
Track 11: Lucky - night, light snow or showers
Track 12: The Tourist - late night, snow or rain

It's gonna be a glorious day.  Let's begin, Track 1 ...

Video from uberalex90's youtube channel