Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Hume + Opie

Before heading back to Toronto this evening, here's something from the exhibition Post Pop: East Meets West currently at London's Saatchi Gallery ...

Gary Hume's Four Coloured Doors I:

Julian Opie's Modern Tower. 07:

Tuesday, 30 December 2014


By appropriating a plethora of sunset images from the web and digitally stitching them together, Penelope Umbrico created a continuously glowing sun on a screen.  Her project Sun/Screen is now showing at the Photographers' Gallery, London:

Monday, 29 December 2014


Stills of Charles Richardson's intriguing head-spinning video Rehearsal, from Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2014 currently at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), London:

I'm loving every frame!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Medjesi-Jones + Meira

From the annual exhibition Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2014 currently at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), London ...

Andrea Medjesi-Jones's Operaio 1 and 2:

Jonathan Meira's sand sculpture Castle:

Saturday, 27 December 2014

If History Could Be Folded ...

It's an Art on the Underground commission as a centenary commemoration of World War I.  Also flirting with the architectural history of the popular tube station itself, Richard Wentworth's If History Could Be Folded, Where Would You Put The Crease? now at Piccadilly Circus station, London:

Friday, 26 December 2014

1 AM

Arrived at Heathrow now, almost 3 hours late.  Left Toronto this morning after 1 AM (EST).

Blamstrain is from Finland now living in the Netherlands.  I started listening to his music when I was still a frequent visitor of  Love his powerful rhythmic sound ...

Video from Blamstrain's youtube channel

Thursday, 25 December 2014

(What About The) Sun

People tend to move toward the sun for holidays.  I love travelling to sun-deprived London in gloomy winter.  I'm going tonight ...

Ginla's What About The Sun?, 2014:

Video from ginla's youtube channel

Panda Valium's remix of Caribou's Sun, 2010:

Video from Sound Sunsets's youtube channel

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Peace Is A Perfect Circle*

My Christmas ecard this year, with colours of π:

Merry Christmas!

* Perfection is ...

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Friday, 19 December 2014